Saturday 20 August 2011

Our Sponsor - Cavalier Bremworth

Cavalier Bremworth is a New Zealand owned carpet maker with a history spanning more than 50 years! They design and make carpet of the highest quality, made from 100% New Zealand Wool. Their carpets are made from 100% sustainable resource that all their carpet is entitled with Environmental Choice Accreditation. "Warm, comforting, soft and luxurious, wool carpet provides an unmatched sensory expeience. A touch of softness in a hard-edged world." This is the type of experience Woolly is all about hence why we decided to approach Cavalier Bremworth in discussion of our project and in possible sponsorship.

After experimenting with the string yarn we thought hard about how we would reproduce this kind of design to scale. We really wanted something that would create the same soft qualities as the yarn therefore wool fleece came to mind. We had heard about Cavalier Bremworth through the grapevine of Architecture as they happen to have strong affiliations within the Architectural Society leading the AAA awards. We approached Cavalier Bremworth, nervous, yet were welcomed by their Marketing Manager Desiree Keown, who even though was extremely busy took the time to listen to our proposal and engaged in our ideas straight away offering us a range of materials which we were given straight after our meeting.

The following day our group began calculations as to how much wool we might need and came to the conclusion of 25 square metres of sheep fleece required. After emailing Desiree we received a reply straight after and they provided us with 90kilograms of scoured wool fleece.

Here is some of the material provided by Cavalier Bremworth. These very high quality thick wool yarns allowed us to start producing models on a 1:1 scale. The richness in colour in texture will help in providing this strong sensory experience.